
No hesitation in posting this one here, even for one second…

Amazing rolling drum rhythms blend in my heart…

knocking off all the unpleasant feelings, bit by bit.

    Days before, I received an email. It was sent by an unknown person named Lotus, she said she wanted to talk to me because she saw an article talking about me badly in a person’s blog.

    She also gave me the link. And I went there…

    The blogger was my ex-business partner. She talked about the poor cooperation between us and also mentioned my name there.

    But what she wrote was so… mean and untrue. 

    I was astonished, totally.

    Lotus felt sorry since it was her sending me the link which made me unhappy. She said she felt bad also when she saw it. It was too much, that’s why she tried to google my website and talk to me. She might wanted me to stop it.

    I thank her for that, but I am too respectful to say anything against the blogger or judge her, and surly I will never write a single word to argue it. What’s the use of it? No point there, let she say what she likes.

    Am I angry? Certainly not.

    Disapponinted only,  a deep deep deep one…

    Anyway, I believe I was sincere, and I am sincere.

    That’s it.

    And again, thank you.

    Because of you, I met another intelligent mind.

    I am not losing, I am gaining.


   The person I am talking about can not understand English at all, so mainly, it is me talking to myself and … the air.

    And Lotus ,thanks for your sharing this music and picture with me. Your choices are always amazing. 🙂  Happy to know you.


27/09/2009 17:55 分类: 评论(8) 阅读()


  1. 你好,博主,特别喜欢你收录的曲子,尤其这首,不知道博主怎么发现这些作品呢,能告诉我么

  2. 这一首啊,你问Lotus 啊:)呵呵,有很多音乐论坛,比如音乐海岸、清风、古曲网都不错的,还有朋友的推荐,其实乐海茫茫,大师们的创造力又是无穷的。你听下去就会发现,好音乐真的是还有很多啊!你寻都寻不过来。但是音乐和文字的美,又是值得去追寻的。

  3. 在清风里听到了尘鼓,循着鼓声找到这里,发现了世外桃源地,博主好了不起,谢谢您的分享!

  4. 这个好美,图片和尘鼓我都转走了,不过我注明了你这篇文章的地址。还是要说声谢谢

  5. 我怎么听不到歌呢?
    不等了 困了困了 来日方长 来日方长


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