玻璃杯 A Glass Cup——口哨曲(宁林)

    Yesterday, Jose was accompanying me while I was preparing my blog.

     I told him that I found an amazing picture of a glass cup, then I sent it to him. He said, "Wow, what a beautiful image~"

     Then I told him I would try to find a beautiful music to match it, and here is what I found—— a whistle, happy and light, just like the image, full of sunshine and hope.

     As Jose always says, preparing my blog is a kind of creation. Sometimes, I find a picture to match the music; sometimes, I find the image to match the words I just wrote.

    This time, it is the first time I am trying to find a music to match a beautiful image. But whatever I did, they deserved to be with each other, they belong to each other, they are part of each other.  I did it just to make a beautiful couple, which I called "creation", and it is the biggest appealing part in creating my blog. I do love it.

     Thank you, my blog.


17/08/2010 08:08 分类: 评论(4) 阅读()

4条回应:“玻璃杯 A Glass Cup——口哨曲(宁林)【心弦】”

  1. This is a really cute image though. I love the way you expressed “A Beautiful Couple”, and it is a creation.~~

  2. 无意之中逛到这个有趣的博客,感觉一瞬间回到了小时候,那段不算美好的童年,时间是过得那么慢,好像一小时就是半辈子,雨后田地上漂浮的腥味和小草沐浴后的清新,就连太阳都是懒洋洋的。原来那些不容易察觉的细节,成为了如今我坚强活下去的动力

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