蝴蝶泉边 By The Butterfly Spring——钢琴曲


    Sometimes, I believe the human voice is the most beautiful sound in the world because it can carry a lot of feelings and emotions which, by their very nature, are so deeply human. But sometimes I prefer the pure music without any human artifact, like this one.

      Especially at the very begining of this piece, the piano is flowing just like the spring is flowing in my heart. In the face of such a pure instrument, any words would be plain…


04/04/2010 09:40 分类: 评论(4) 阅读()

4条回应:“蝴蝶泉边 By The Butterfly Spring——钢琴曲”

  1. 无意来到这个空间,非常喜欢。呵呵,一到COFFEE BREAK,会来听听音乐,看看三言两语的文字,蛮舒缓的放松的(虽然我不懂茶叶),莫怪哦^_^ .


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