(Picture of Yuan, in front of the Montmorency falls.)

Invitation to my Secret Garden

Hello !

Like you, I am in quarantine at home and I know that this confinement could last some time.

However, recently, I noted that Mr. Patrice Roy invites his listeners to send him a piece of music which he plays at the end of the television news he hosts on Radio-Canada.

This little gesture touches me deeply.

And it is true, during the difficult time that we are all experiencing, that we need the comfort of music more than usual.

The music is magic; it frees us from our stress, it relieves us of our pain, it comforts our soul and it gives us that serenity we so badly need in these difficult times.


For my part, I have a “Secret Garden”.
In this garden that I have cultivated for many years, I planted the musics that I appreciate.

I have embellished my music blogs with images that I have carefully chosen and I have enriched each blog by adding some poems, or the texts that I wrote.

For more than 11 years now, this “Secret Garden” has accompanied me through the ups and downs of my life; it was a faithful and discreet companion.


Because you are very dear to me, today, for the first time, I invite all my clients to come and visit it and take advantage of every Zen moment it contains.

Music gives us hope ; the ones I offer you here can play this role wonderfully.

I hope you and your family can enjoy it !

Everything will get better !



Most of the texts were written in Chinese, but I also write in English and in French from time to time.

You can have direct access to the English and French texts by clicking on the links which are on the left of the home page.

Note that the blog at the top of each listing page is always the most recent of the period covered by this page.

Finally, you can leave your comments in the box provided for this purpose at the bottom of each blog if you wish.

Each comment will be visible to all visitors and I encourage everyone to participate in discussions that could be established in this manner.

Here is the address of my secret garden:

04/04/2020 16:48 分类: 评论(0) 阅读()


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